Tuesday's class I presented my first composition, and despite wanting to, I decided to perform the piece as oppose to hearing the midi version of it. I'm not much of sight reader and a nervous as hell performer when it comes to classical music, but it definitely helped display the piece more or less in the way that I wanted it to presented. I have yet to decide whether or not I want to play my piece on saturday. I think I'm leaning more towards doing it. In the past I have just sat in the audience so I can give it my fullest attention, but it could definitely be a good experience to play it for a change.
But moving on, I'll talk more in detail about the piece that I presented. I'm playing two nocturnes in my rep this year; Chopin's nocturne in C sharp minor (op. 27 no. 1) and Scriabin's nocturne for the left hand only, and I think this definitely showed through this composition. You can kind of see the resemblance in the broken chords of the left hand and the melody in the first section in the right hand. I liked Aiden's idea of bringing back the 5/4 at the end of piece in the section where it trails off, so I think I'm going to try and incorporate that. Also, I might elaborate on the donkey kong country snowstorm part a little bit more. But not too much, because I don't want it to be overused.
As for my next piece, I already have 4 other ideas started.
One involves placing a book on the middle of the keyboard and playing with how the strings resonate (a little less muddier and prominent of a blur that the pedal offers). This piece is pretty ambient and sparse.
Another idea is a lot more minimalist and reminiscent of the cliche piece I wrote in 3100. I've been wanting to elaborate more on some of the sections of that piece for a while, however I feel that that might end up with me writing a much longer piece and won't quite fit with this trio of pieces.
As much as I want to write another minimalist music I'd like to take more of a chordal approach. So I've been trying to write a more chordal oriented piece which is slow coming but it certainly starting to grow on me.
The last piece I have started deals with a lot more transitional sections. A lot of the music I have written has been for pop music containing only a few sections, relatively in the same key or two and will have a chord pattern that can be repeated back to back as many times as possible. I'd like to incorporate more transitional sections in my piece that lead somewhere completely different (thus more of a line than circle, if that makes any sense).
Now to try and get these written and rehearsed for next saturday!
You look great today!